Why does my child hate photographers? Why?! I'm not sure if it's the photographer or camera...or both. She should be used to the camera by now. I've been taking at least 50 pictures of her a day since birth. She smiles fine for me. But put her in front of an actual photographer, one we are paying big bucks to, and she won't even crack a teeny tiny grin. Gah. At her 3 month pictures, she frowned. At her Halloween pictures, she just kind of looked at us like "What the heck are you doing to me, making me sit here in this stupid duck costume?" For her 6 month pictures, I thought we might have a chance at getting a good smile out of her. The timing was perfect- she had just napped and ate. Her diaper was changed. She looked cute as heck. Plus, we are crazy people and drove 1.5 hours to get there. (Thank-you FLW, for being in the middle of nowhere. Sigh.) Surely she would at least give us one smile. Wrong. As soon as I set her down, she cried. It was then that I knew we were not going to get her to smile. And ya, I was right. Out of the entire hour long session, she did not smile once. We were lucky if she'd even look at the camera. It got to the point where we didn't care if she smiled or not, as long as she would look at the camera without crying or pouting. And then, go figure, the second we got in the car she started laughing and smiling and was as happy as can be. Little stinker.
The photographer posted a few preview shots, and even though she's not smiling, I think she looks adorable. And big. She looks so big! Here is my favorite shot:
I like this one a lot too. It pretty much sums up her life right now-fingers in the mouth 24/7.
I'll post more when I get the disc.
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